Wednesday, September 26, 2007


So, I had my weekly appointment yesterday that my doctor didn't think I was going to make it to. I am already 3 cm dilated, so things have definitely progressed over the last week. Needless to say, we were all a bit surprised the baby didn't make an appearance over the weekend. We went ahead & set up for me to be induced on Tuesday of next week. That way we can give the baby a chance to come on his/her own for another week, but I won't be going too far past my due date of this Thursday. There is still plenty of opportunity for the baby to come on one of our family or friends birthdays which start today & consecutively run through Friday....6 people total in the next 3 days! But, this baby may decide to be our little pumpkin & hang in there until the beginning of October. Regardless, we should have a happy & healthy new arrival in less than a week!!! A big thank you to everyone for all the thoughts & prayers for our family. We love you all!

1 comment:

The Poth's said...

I'm still shooting for Friday...the 28th has treated me well so far :o) I look forward to hearing more!!! Love y'all and wish you all the best over the next week!!